Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Some Kind of a Welcome

So since I've got this account, I figured I put it to use. Basically, I'll just be occasionally dropping my Han/Leia-Star-Warsy art down in this space for the internet to hopefully enjoy. And while you're here, go say hey to my buddies over at the HanLeiaFanFicWriters.

Here is the most recent piece I did with charcoal, one of my absolute favorite mediums to work with.


  1. I can imagine this in the cell on Bespin. They look resigned to their fate, you know? But also connected. That's what I see anyway. Wonderful job.

  2. Interesting, I didn't ever think of it that way. I enjoy hearing what others pull out of this stuff, so thanks!

    I guess my interpretation wasn't as literal, though my intention was more so when I started it. I thought of Han as being sort of phantom like because to me at least, proportionally, he seems exaggerated, and pieces of him sort of disappear into his surroundings. I have no idea if anyone else read it that way. Anyway, the whole thing was kind of a 'want what you can't have' thing. She wants him, but she can't have him--of course because of her own internal limitations.

    But I just wanted to do another contrasty piece because light and shadow is such a fun thing to play around with!

  3. Oh, I like looking at it with that interpretation, it garners an entirely different reaction. Even sadder, really. Still just a great piece, powerful piece, either way.

    (I wish I got notified when you responded - I just found your comments)

  4. :)

    Yeah, it is annoying that you can't subscribe to actual posts on other blogs. And sorry about my late response--that's called being lazy, heh.
